I would be glad to hear about any experiences milling a male luer lock fitting, the taper and the threads.
So kind of you to look this up. I’ve seen this version of the standard.
I would like to learn of experience interpolating the taper on a Shapoko family machine, and pointers to an appropriate threadmill, with a long enough narrow shank, and a deep enough cut, but still small enough to avoid the taper, and any machining strategies that can remove the material with such a small tool without breaking the tool.
Thanks again, very much.
This seems like a really challenging problem, have you considered a simpler solution like buying an off-the-shelf fitting that mates with a more normal thread and then milling that instead?
It doesn’t seem that thread mills for this exist, if they’re possible. You almost certainly need a custom tool made.
And I’m dubious that interpolating on a Shapeoko is a practical solution, they can be made sufficiently accurate but from what I’ve seen, it’s a whole ordeal to get one accurate and keep it there. It’s hard enough milling standard metric threads on my Nomad.
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