Machine Starting to go off Path

I have been routing circular pieces of plywood for the past 3-4 days straight for a project I am working on.

Today I went to start the machine and run the first couple of pieces and I have noticed the machine is not following the same path that it has been… Or at least it’s like there is extra movement. The code has not changed at all and the machine is zero’d via the z-axis only per start (redundant but gives me piece of mind as some pieces are warped).

I have attached a few pictures of how they look today and how they looked previously.

Does anyone know what is going on?

I use carbide motion for the machine program and Fusion 360 to create the g-code.

Addition: The 4th picture (picture showing the middle of the board cutout) is the way the slot should look everytime.

99% of the time, issues like this are mechanical. You don’t say what machine you are using so I can’t give specific guidance. If it is belt driven, make sure the set screws on the pulley on each motor are tight. Make sure your belts are properly tensioned and are not worn out. If you have V-wheels, make sure they are in good shape and properly adjusted.

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And the other culprit is high tooling engagement when cutting a slot.

SHAPEOKO PRO 5 with variable drive router

I will go check the hardware and see if I find anything loose.


How would you avise I fix the tooling engagement? The article you posted seams to be for cutting out the part rather than a slot. I am semi new to this so maybe I am misreading the article?

When I coded the parts, I did set the plunge and feed rates lower than suggested online. When the bit is cutting it sounds like it is doing its job correctly that is unless its hitting a tough spot in the wood… That being said it only happens maybe 1-2 times a run and for no longer than 1-2 seconds at a time.

Maybe those times caused parts to loosen?

Please post your file and note which dimensions you are concerned about.

UPDATE: Shapoeko Team called me and said the machine needed oil and a tightening of all the bolts.

This solution did solve the problem for two days, but now it’s back to what it was doing even after re-applying the oil.

They are supposed to call me today to assist further.

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