My Shapeoko Pro XXL has stopped twice in the middle of a project. Has anyone had a similar problem and if so what is the fix.
Without more info, suggestions are hard to make. List the workflow routine you use, from startup to the point the machine stops. The folks here can be of more help with that information.
That said, search “static” or “emf” here in the forum. Discharges can interrupt the controller connection and cause shutdowns.
Welcome to the community!
The most likely suspect is static. What is your climate? The drier the more static chances. I live in east Texas with 80 percent humidity and still get static. Deserts and cold freezing weather in crease dryness and the chance for static discharge. The #1 thing is running a grounding wire on your dust collection hose grounding it to your router body and ground on the other end.
I’ve had that happen as well. My machine is SO4XXL. I inserted an uninterruptible power supply and plugged all devices into it. I further isolated my iMac with a wireless mouse so that I never touch the computer during its run. I grounded my vac hose and finally replaced the usb printer cable with a shielded one. I have not had it stop working since.
Thank you so much, I will go and get these items now.
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