Magnets on sweepy failing :(

I’m running a sweepy 2.0 on my dewalt, and I truly love it. When it works, it’s a fantastic purpose built tool that keeps my workspace so much cleaner during long cuts.

I’m having issues with the magnets though… since day one they have not held in their pockets very well. I clamped them in with some gorilla glue and that held for a few weeks. Last weekend one of them gave up mid-cut, and when one fails the whole bottom end vibrates off :frowning:

So I tried some two part epoxy on the magnet that failed most recently, and it has held up, but about an hour of machine time later another magnet failed and I blew another work piece. I don’t plan to use the boot again until I get this resolved. Any tips?

Right now I’m considering adding a mechanical fixture like thumbscrews or a clamp, but wanted to know if I’m the only one having this issue and if anyone else has had smarter ideas on how to correct.

That sounds pretty unusual - the actual magnets have come out of the pockets?

That’s correct, 3/4 on the bottom and 2/4 on the top came out during the first few hours of machine time. Most of those are holding with gorilla glue, but now two of those have given up. Did I just get pockets that were 0.1mm out of tolerance?

Tough to say if it’s a glue or forming issue but email into and we will make it right.


I also had the same problem with my 65 mm dustboot


What was your solution ?


Contact us at and we’ll get this sorted out — some folks have glued them back in using epoxy (be sure to get the polarity right), but that’s not necessary unless one wants a spare.

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I also had two of the upper magnets come out. I just super glued them back into place and have not had the issue again.

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Support offered to send a replacement but I switched to an 80mm spindle and bought another one. Sorry for the late reply

I’ve had this issue as well. I just put a zip tie around the two pieces and called it a day. I tried gluing the magnets back in, but haven’t removed the zip tie since, so I don’t know how well if at all the glue held.

Instead of zip ties how about miniature spring clamps.


2" inch Mini Metal Spring Clamps w/Red Rubber Tips


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