Customer wants this sign
With these details: Taylor - Caleb and Kaitlyn EST. 2023. No size specified. (I’m guessing 24")
Draw a 24" circle, and then the 4 lines of text in the font & size desired.
I used: “T” Imprint MT Shadow 16"
First Names: Century Schoolbook 2.2"
Last Name: Modern No. 20 3.5"
Date: Gill Sans MT 1.5"
Adjust the vertical position, then use Align Vectors → Align Centers → Horizontal
to get them centered left-right
I copied the “T” and moved the copy off the workpiece to keep a copy as text in case I want to change something later. Subtracting the middle bit will convert it to curves.
Draw in a rectangle around the first names. Make it longer/wider than the names.
Now draw another rectangle as wide as the names, and taller than the previous rectangle.
Select the taller rectangle & the letter “T”, and unite them
Leave the united vectors selected, and then also select the shorter rectangle, and subtract