They say picture is worth a thousand words.
This is one of those projects that needs no background, its existence is unquestionable.
The Video:
Like most amazing Hot Sauce Racks, this one requires the following:
- All of your personal- and closest friend’s most favorite Hot Sauces.
- One section of wooden dowel longer than a paper towel roll.
- A sheet of Dibond with a dent on any 2 opposing corners, any color 16" x 16".
- That lazy susan from Ikea you thought would make a good turnatable for a photo shoot.
- Exactly 18 M6 x 50 bolts
- One perfectly good wood screw
- Metal tubing cut into 18 sections of 1.37" lengths.
- An old Trophy
- A Shapeoko 3 equipped with a .125" square endmill
- An impending Taco Lunch with the Team.
Screenshot of the design in Carbide Create
Spice Rack Ring.c2d (200.9 KB)
The Key to the whole project; the Spice Rack Divider Ring.
Note the work holding setup used on the S3 to cut it.
I drilled 5mm holes into the Ikea turnatable using the divider ring as a template.
No need for bolts or threading, I used some epoxy in the holes and then drilled the M6 bolts right into the wood.
Spacers are cut from a tube on the bandsaw.
One more look at “ol Spicey”