Making a wooden tongue drum from a drawing

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Given a drawing:

which doesn’t quite trace as desired:

we will re-draw by hand…

First, import the pixel image as a background:

Assuming the grid is 1/8":

Things seem to be the right size (if it’s some other size, scale up/down as necessary)

Use the polyline tool to roughly outline the design:

then increase the fineness of the grid:


and go into Node Edit mode:

and select nodes and drag them into a better alignment:

and repeat that for anything which is not lining up as desired.

Then, select nodes whichneed to be associated with curves:

tap “S” to convert them to smooth:

and then drag the nodes around to make things line up:

and where need be, add new nodes:

and use them to line things up:

Repeat for all other nodes/elements.

Eventually arriving at:

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