You have a great resource right there in Greeley - The LINC (library innovation center) is reopening next weekend. They offer access to a wide variety of technologies including CNC, and is staffed with experienced makers that should be able to help you.
Thanks. These days you may not know it if your next door neighbor has a machine (unless you can hear it).
I heard of a similar program from a friend that one of the laser companies pairs new users with experienced ones willing to help for a fee.
I figured that given the active participation of this community doing something similar made sense and in a lot of cases it seems these guys would be willing to share some of their time for free.
Face it, woodworkers like to talk about their work and experiences.
Carbide may be concerned about any official affiliation though since there is no real way to validate the skillset of the person offering help. If a guy comes to help and ends up doing damage to your machine they would not want that to reflect poorly on the company. Conundrum.
That is SO COOL, Your Grandpa is looking down on you with pride, remembering the GREATEST GENERATION is all of our duty. Those Guys and Gals are almost gone, leaving behind in most cases an untold legacy.
Thanks for sharing!!! I will try and send a picture of Ft. Logan our National Cemetery in Denver. We’ve done as many as 13 funerals in a day there, we go twice a month and are Honored to be amongst so many heroes it is hallowed ground for sure!!
I’d suggest that the person needing help communicate their needs here on the forum just as it has always been. Then those that can help can contact them for location, schedules etc. via the private message section here on the forum. A private message is not an official affiliation with the company.
Vectric has a “map” where each user will post their “location”, but they have to delegate an employee to transfer the posted information to a Google map. I’d think that is untenable in this situation at best, and will fall into disuse in short order.
Canadians… our overly peace loving neighbors to the north! You’ll here lots of goodnatured jokes about how overly peaceful you guys are here on the states. Having worked with your armed forces in Kandahar when they controlled the battlespace… yeah. Hardened warriors. Absolutely fearless. Professional. Everything you’d ever want in that environment. Ok thats a thread hijack.
Yes, I realize that is possible, just maybe not as accessible as it could be. There may be people nearby that don’t check the forum very often but if their info was out there someone could DM them or mention them in a post which would trigger an email.
Just a thought. Maybe instead of a map, just a thread where people can post their locations and skillsets that others can search. Although, if the issue is with CC Design then of course location doesn’t matter.
To the point ofthe thread here, first things first… id get a logbook. Remember those old green duty logs we used to have laying around in the Corps? Get something like that. Write things down as you go. Every step. How you oriented and secured your stock. Which bit you are using, how and where you are zeroing. Etc. Good records = good results. When you botch a project and post here, the first thing the experienced folks are going to ask you is what your process was.
The second thing I always do… open Carbide Create while you are running the machine. After you’ve documented everything in your setup, and before hitting start… pull up your file in Create, compare what you see in the setup and toolpaths to what you just did. Is your zero in your file the same as what you just did? Is the right bit in? Think about what you expect the machine to do when you hit start. Its a good sanity check before going.
The good news is it sounds like you are getting mostly a bad/unexpected result. Thats good. If it was a mixed bag of good and bad, it would be more difficult to hash out whats going on. I suspect you have one or two things you are just missing in your process, and once you get that figured out youll be on the path.
First & foremost… Semper Fi! God, Country & Corps bless you for what you are doing. (Chesty would be pleased )
Can you give us some idea of what you are trying to make? Even a bar napkin sketch would be helpful.
I read “EGA Coin Holder” and can imagine several different end results.
Also, on the jobs you’ve scrapped, an idea on where you think the process went SNAFU?
Jarrad’s idea of a logbook is brilliant. I was also thinking of a cheatsheet (SOP), process steps to keep near the machine. I’m going fishing now, will type something up when I get back.
I wish I was a bit closer (Michigan), I’d be over in a heartbeat. If for nothing else than to shake the hand of a salty old jarhead!!
One of the real problems with introductory threads is that they aren’t really visible. {EDIT: Ah, I see that Julien and Will are on the job about visibility!}
Another problem is that threads are hard/impossible to update as the needs/desires/capabilities change. Perhaps there needs to be more specific room in the Profile section where one can detail capabilities?
The main problem with all of this is that we’re all really independent and self-sufficient. It is not easy to ask for help, and sometimes we’re not even aware of the help we need.
There’s always a bit of don’t know what you don’t know in everything we post, and then we find out by someone else replying to the post.
That is exactly why I made the suggestion. Sometimes it’s easier to ask if you know the offer is out there or potentially out there and that there is someone nearby in the case that the help requires physical proximity.
I will head over to that introductory thread and put my info in and see if there is anyone else nearby. I already learned that @TonyMurray is only about 1.5 hours away.
… and another problem with using a thread to post information is how do you find it?
… and how do you suppress the natural tendency of everyone to chat about anything on that thread? There’s no good way to find what you want when there’s 12 profiles in the thread and 413 posts/chats mixed in. Frustrating to say the least.
Good Morning Tod with 1 D, Great to meet you! I thing Jarred is on the right track to have new CNC owners introduce themselves, but more important and I hope some how it can come to fruition, is where new and old CNC users live. My wife’s family are all Michiganders, two brothers still reside at Hubbard Lake near Spruce, Mi.
Hope you catch a whopper today!
Actually quite certain you could recreate this on a CNC. I could see getting some thick stock, a deep pocket with leaves/sticks in the bottom to look like the lake floor. If you get tabletop epoxy and pourit just slightly thick with no color, itll haze up a little, but still be transparent. Giving it that look you have in your photo. Find an SVG for the flower, cut it in 2.5D, paint and place it on top , deep pour, crystal clear epoxy on top of that. CnC to surface down amd polish.