It looks like my Z axis can go down a little more. Should it be able to?
I tried increasing the Z Max travel parameter from my default $132=94 to $132=96 but it did not seem to increase the travel.
It looks like my Z axis can go down a little more. Should it be able to?
I tried increasing the Z Max travel parameter from my default $132=94 to $132=96 but it did not seem to increase the travel.
Adjust the Travel Dimensions in Carbide Motion | Settings if your steps/mm for Z in Grbl for $102 are correct (should be 200 for a Z-Plus).
Carbide Motion also has a size limit. If you’re on the newest versions of CM you can alter it to suit your machine. I increased my Z and Y travel in the settings screen to maximize them.
Will Adams posted this a while back about the Shapeoko Specs.
Shapeoko Default Sizes for GBRL Configuration
To allow folks to confirm their Grbl configurations, here are the settings for:
Setting | Belt Drive Z-axis | Z-Plus (inc. Pro) | HDZ |
$100 | 40 | 40 | 40 |
$101 | 40 | 40 | 40 |
$102 | 40 | 200 | 320 |
The Travel Dimensions for the various machine sizes and options are:
Machine size and Z-axis type | X | Y | Z |
Shapeoko 3 Standard Belt Drive | 420 | 430 | 100 |
Shapeoko 3 Standard Z-Plus | 420 | 430 | 95 |
Shapeoko 3 Standard HDZ | 420 | 430 | 140 |
Shapeoko XL Belt Drive | 830 | 430 | 100 |
Shapeoko XL Z-Plus | 830 | 430 | 95 |
Shapeoko XL HDZ | 830 | 430 | 140 |
Shapeoko XXL Belt Drive | 830 | 850 | 100 |
Shapeoko XXL Z-Plus | 830 | 850 | 95 |
Shapeoko XXL HDZ | 830 | 850 | 140 |
Shapeoko Pro XL | 870 | 440 | 95 |
Shapeoko Pro XXL | 870 | 850 | 95 |
Note that it is possible to increase X-axis travel if using an HDZ w/o a dust collection system which limits X-axis travel.
Is there any way to see what the steps/mm for Z, X, and Y currently are set to for a Pro XL.
You said the code # is $102 for Z .
What is it for X and Y
$100 for X and $101 for Y
for details.