Maximum stock size

I was looking to purchase a Nomad CNC which I think would be quite useful for projects. Most of the parts to be worked on should be quite small and easily fit into the 8’ x 8’ cutting area. There is one item that is 272mm x 106mm that is a 3mm thick rectangular plastic plate that I will need to work with. All of the area to work on would fit within the 8’x8’ cutting area.

I am wondering if anyone knows what the maximum stock size I could easily fit into the Nomad CNC? Looking at the pictures of the unit and from measuring the picture on my laptop and scaling it I think it may (just fit) ie have the 272 edge of the stock running left to right in the Nomad. I thought that the plastic plate could be up square to the right hand side (when viewed from the front) of the cutting area. This would mean that the over hanging material would hang to the left hand side where there appears to be some free space. From my calculations this leaves around 70mm of overhanging material to the left hand side.

I appreciate that I could do some sort of arrangement where the door is open (i.e. have the 272 edge of the stock running front to back in the Nomad) but I thought the above would be a cleaner/better way of doing it.

I’ve had stock hanging off to the left before, but certainly wouldn’t machine too far outside the 8*8 work area.

Actual tool travel I wouldn’t go this far, you’d be basically hitting the outer edge.


Perfect! Many thanks for that, just what I was looking for :smiley:

I use a table which extends off the left hand side. Whilst the machine can’t cut there it’s a great place to put workholding so you don’t lose cutting space.

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