Has anyone used the McFly cutter on a Nomad 3? if so, any helpful tips? Thank you.
I would not recommend using it on a Nomad.
Thanks. Underpowered?
We only recommend using 1/8" and smaller tooling on a Nomad for harder materials.
A Nomad’s working area is small enough that even a 1/8" endmill can surface things pretty quickly.
With respct to the Carbide staff on here but you might want to check recipe 924 on ProvenCut.
It isn’t the McFly but it is a facing tool and appears to work really well.
I use a micromark fly cutter with a hand grinded
1/8" hss shank
For the collet i use a quarter inch by Technik
But get the PowerClamp or mightybite or whatever they call their version of the powder coated
ER-11 nut.
Use technik collet and a technik nut.
I used a .01mm depth of cut@5000rpm MAXIMUM
And 1000mm feed on my baseplate.
Fly cutter is made by MicroMark, as stated.
Here is my first dabblings.
Dont mind the mess
Thank you all for your help but I’m not sure what Proven Cut is or recipe 924 either. could you elaborate.
You would need to subscribe to access.
I’ve been using the #201 3 flute cutter as a facing tool in Al 7075 with really good results. I got the idea after “Vince Fab” posted a similar Lakeshore tool with a “bomber facing recipe” to the FB group.
-18k RPM spindle speed
-1520 mm/min (~60 ipm) feed rate
-0.028 mm (0.0011 ipt) chip load
-0.13 mm (~0.005") depth of cut
-3 mm step over
Not optimized, just keeping the chip load up above the minimum. It worked so I stopped there. My Nomad 3 did not sound fully loaded so there’s probably room to go harder/faster.
On a side note, ProvenCut is only $49/year for hobby machines?! Lookout GWizard, they’re coming for your lunch, lol. Might have to go sign up!
Thx for the reply. Did you mean 201 flat cutter. I couldn’t find any any 201 3 flute cutters. Thx again.
Same thing: the #201 is a 3-flute, “flat” (or rather “square”) endmill.
Please pardon my ignorance. Thank you.
Just to follow up, I notice @Vince.Fab posted a YT vid on exactly this recipe:
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