MeshCAM Pro - which file format for Snapmaker A350 machine?

Just starting to use MeshCAM Pro v9.46 along with Alibre’s Atom3D (CAD). When using MeshCAM, what file type should I be choosing to generate the g-code for my Snapmaker A350 3-in-1 machine? I know the A350’s controller uses Marlin for 3D printing, so assume Marlin is used for CNC as well? I did read somewhere that file type “MACH3” was pretty generic, so I did try MACH3-MM (metric) - but g-code file did not produce expected results. Could just be that I’m a total MeshCAM and CNC newbie, but it would really help to know which file type is most compatible with Snapmakers…

A quick search:

found to be in a format that Marlin can read

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Thanks - I’ll experiment with that file type. I was only guessing that my Snapmaker uses Marlin for CNC. I’m surprised that Snapmaker wasn’t listed as a machine within MCP. But maybe that’s because it’s a hobbyist grade machine?

Snapmaker control is based on Marlin

It’s not in MeshCAM as such because Marlin is mostly a 3D printer firmware.

I just tried generating my g-code file again in MCP, but using TurboCNC-V3-MM, and it seems to be milling correctly (so far, long way to go :slight_smile: )

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