Background: I was having the same issue with OS Sierra as many experienced back in '16, in that the program crashes when starting the finishing g code calculations. It seems like there isn’t a fix for it. So, I decided to jump into the V7 Beta.
Issue: The new V7 opens pop-up windows when using tools like ‘Define Stock’ or ‘Create Toolpath’, but when I select these the pop-up is just a blank window. Any fixes?
So, the first picture is Chrome’s output after I simulate tool path, but when I go back to MeshCAM it appears that I have the tool paths generated. Does that check with you? I am still unable to define the stock.
In MCv6, the program always quit when the finishing paths were being calculated. Does this seem to be my Mac? Thanks again for your time.
If I create the project in MCv6, save job, and open in MCv7, then everything works. The windows all populate like they should. Again, the reason that I cannot use v6 is that the program quits when running the finishing toolpaths.
Everything seems to be good now. Weird. Thanks again Rob. I’ll let you all know if anything changes
I’m still having issues with finishing passes, getting the program to autogenerate finishing paths is at about 50/50 (freezes program). If I do it manually, I have no issues.
I’m running OS Sierra 10.12.6 (MacBook Pro '14). I’m using 3d files from SketchUp exported to .STL.
I hope that this helps with the coding and please let me know if you need anything else