Metal scrollwork engraving Nomad 3

The design opens in Serif’s Affinity Designer:

and is made up of what look to be well-formed outlines:

Exporting to SVG yields a warning:

Selecting Open Vectors:

Yields one item which it should be okay to delete.

Like most designs, this yields the issue of “Figure-ground reversal”:

Note that the dimensions are a bit off:

So scaling up to match the original:

The most expedient way to invert the design is to just offset to the outside:

Deselect what one wishes to keep:

and delete the extraneous geometry:

At this point it would work to assign a V carving toolpath:

If the tooling and toolpaths for that would be suitable for the material which is being cut…

but my experience is that trying to V carve metal results in a lot of broken tooling — perhaps @wmoy will have a suggestion/solution — one thing to consider is modeling it in 3D and then cutting using suitable tooling.

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