Middle Finger Cribbage board--would anyone be offended by pics?

I just finished up a couple of middle finger cribbage boards for my brothers. Would anyone be offended if I shared pictures of them? Not sure of the level of “adulthood” and how offensive it would be to the community. Thanks.

I’m cool about it but a quick google gave me this, so you are right to be cautious, so maybe best to leave it to our imagination:

“In the United States, using the middle finger in public can lead to arrest, prosecution, fines, and even incarceration. However, some argue that criminal sanctions for using the middle finger violate First Amendment rights”

Now that’s a paradoxical statement if I’ve ever heard one.

I don’t post or produce such stuff.

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There are people on here that get offended by old medical textbook drawings.

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Given that this is a family friendly site, which does not have as its topic of discussion medicine, that is perfectly valid.

For folks who have forgotten the rules which they agreed to when signing up:


and also see:


If you’re asking…you already know the answer…

Make it a two finger game (Peace…Victory…I’ll take five (in Roman times) - and only put holes on one.

We are always proud of our work but maybe not something that is “Adult” as there are children that are on the site. Your brothers will like it but think if children see it what would they say. Society has gotten really course but let kids be kids a little while longer.


I agree with Guy, once you start this the site could be on the slippery slope downwards.Not worth offending anyone.