I hope I’m in the right place for this question. I am in the market for a CNC for milling 5- and 6-inch PVC pipe around 6” long. I will cut it in 6” lengths and stand them on ends and program the machine to cycle through several then return to the first position and start over. Only the top ¼” inside and outside will be milled. This will allow the CNC to run all day without shutting down as each piece will be individually clamped so that they can be removed and a new piece inserted. I can do it with my Camaster by removing the lath as the project will also have other parts I will be cutting, that will not work out. It appears from what information I can see online, that one or more of the spoil board supports can be left out and a table could be designed to support the PVC pipes. It appears this machine is design to run 8 hours a day with a spindle. I doubt I’m the first one to need more Z height but am open to recommendations.
Welcome to the forum.
What is your specific question?
Are you asking how raise the Z axis for more clearance or if you can remove spoil boards and T-Track to allow 6” clearance on the Z axis?
Which machine are you looking at?
I have a HDM and the clearance is 5.7” above the spoilboard.
You could certainly remove the spoilboard and T-track and replace it with a fixture plate that bolts to the crossmembers to restore rigidity.
You can adjust the height of the spindle to accommodate your tool within reason. I’m guessing you could use up to a 3” tool (hangout) and still clear 6”.
I can measure when I get home if you are considering the HDM.
I would use the 5 pro with the water cooled spindle spindle. I just assumed there is no way to raise the Z so removing some of the bed would be the only way to get the height we need. We mat need up to 8 inches. We will need to build quick clamps so we can change out parts while the machine is running. Do you have any idea what the lead time on the pro 5 is?
This product is in-stock and expected to ship tomorrow.