Mismatched cable ends on X axis drag chain cable

I am assembling my PRO 5 XXL and all has been going fine until I hit the drag chains. Lots of confusion.

The drag chain that I assume goes onto the X axis gantry is long and has three wires in it. The wires on one side are two 4 pin and one 3 pin male connector and and on the other, two 4 pin and one 3 pin female. These as far as I can tell should conect to the three wires coming out of the Z plate and motor and on the other side the three wires coming out of the X axis rail and the right side Y motor. The problem is that the connectors on both the Z plate/motor and the Y axis rail and motor are female. Net result is that I can hook up the z plate/motor of the drag chain end fine but I end up with male to male on the right side.

What am I missing?

Thanks in advance.

Please send photos showing what you have in to support@carbide3d.com and we will get this sorted out.

Well, I guess I was too quick to ask for help. I just realized that the the right rail end of the x chain does not connect to the x rail/motor but rather to the y chain cable. Duhh… I guess I’ve got to do more thinking before screeming help.

Thanks anyway.


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People here on t he forum are here to help. The only dumb question is the one you do not ask. Everyone here on the forum had to start out somewhere. None of us were born running a CNC machine and we all had to learn how to run our Shapeoko’s. Just ask away. Pictures are always helpful and later if you have problems with your Carbide Create attach the file and you will get help.

The forum is a friendly place and is moderated to keep it all family friendly. We seem to be sniper and troll free unlike other social media platforms, so just ask your question and they get answered.


and that’s what I have found with my limited experience wwith this forum.

Thank you very much.

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