I just wanted to share my modded machine and some improvements I have made for what I have been doing with the machine. I have primarily been milling 6061 parts with this machine even though that was not what I bought it for AT ALL! I guess you could say I got bit by the “machining bug” lol. I have upgraded this machine to a fully closed loop system with a Centroid Acorn Controller. 80mm 2.2kw 4pole 800hz “metalworking” spindle, upgraded dual spindle mount, MQL from SST, increased the gantry height and added support for ridgity when drilling and roughing. The enclosure has an exhaust fan because I quickly learned that the MQL fogged up the enclosure. Overall, this machine has been awesome and I absolutely love the Centroid controller. Its pretty much perfect now with digital probing routines, more accurate tool setter, and multiple types of adjustments to dial in steps per rev and backlash comp for the best accuracy possible.
I forgot to say if anyone is interested in the “improvement” files let me know and I’ll be happy to share. All work was done in Fusion. Also, if you are interested in the controller conversion let me know!
I love what you did to the gantry to support for more rigidity. I too am about to increase the gantry height by either 1.75" or 2", I haven’t decided yet. I am going out of town, back to the place I used to work with this machine shop, and I am taking some of my aluminum bar stock in order to use their milling machine to make my gantry extensions. The one thing I was concerned about was the gantry supports across the body. Looking at what you have here was a great idea. Did you have to drill and tap the holes holding your gantry support? or are the holes already there? I haven’t looked at my machine to see because it is over at my shop on a different property.
I am very much interested in any information you have about your setup, and any steps that could help with bigger capabilities you might have learned. Purchase of your machine would be nice, but I can’t see purchasing another right now for the shop without having possible work lined up to making it worth my purchase.
That’s awesome! The gantry riser/supports were pretty easy to make. I had my machine is the forward gantry mounting position so I was able to mount the plate off the front of the machine with some 1-2-3 blocks and machine the holes in the bottom.
The extrusion I used across the back I also laid on the bed of the table and drilled all of the holes with a 6mm carbide drill and then bored the countersinks in the same OP. I bolted everything up on the machine and used a transfer punch to mark the rear of the gantry. Then took everything off and hand drilled the holes and tapped them. It made a huge difference in rigidity when drilling and roughing with a larger DOC. Well worth the upgrade.
The controller upgrade is probably my favorite lol.
Yeah, the gantry height is one of the restrictions that I don’t like about my S5Pro 4x4. I can only cut up to 4.25". This is fine with any of the regular 4x4s, but I have some other jobs I would like to be able to do that are 5 inches tall and even a bit taller. I was just going to cut a step up block that the original gantry bracket would bolt on top of, but looking at your design, makes me realize that I should go with a forward support as well. Rigidity is our friend and our enemy, lol. When it is lacking, we have to figure out work arounds. I would also like to start cutting full scale 3D figurines and that would mean a taller gantry and even an area where I remove part of the table for clearance.
Yeah the height is not great on this particular machine. From my understanding, the further you raise the gantry away from the machining surface the deflection exponentially increases. All of my mods were focused on machining aluminum. I only cut wood once on the machine and it blew through it like it wasn’t even there lol. You probably won’t even notice a difference in surface finish on wood with an increased gantry height unless it is a very hard wood and a really large cutter. I noticed when drilling in aluminum that the gantry rocked back due to the downward forces. That is why I supported it in the back with the bracket and the extrusion is actually pocketed into the bracket and bolted. The extrusion is obviously also bolted to the gantry. Much better for my needs after this. I can share the files if you want. I did everything in Fusion360.
You making them in Fusion means that I wouldn’t be able to see them unless I have Fusion, and that isn’t even a possibility at this time. You hit on everything that was important and areas that I thought about for modifying to help with rigidity. Now I will just have to take your ideas and work them into my machine.
Would love to get the files for the gantry brackets. I just got the machine a couple months ago, and have already been feeling like the Z axis is pretty limiting. Not going attempt any modifications anytime soon, but would be great to have the files for future reference.
I can still send you the .STEP files and you can bring them into Carbide Create. Also, Fusion has a free version that will do everything you need to do for making these.
I will get my calipers out and take measurements for the gantry bracket and jack. This isn’t a problem for me. I can design the unit. I do appreciate your help though, and do like your setup here. I did look at my machine’s gantry and see that I would have to drill and tap the holes for the back support to go on. Everything else is of no use. I wont spend the money to put together a control power box/panel. Maybe sending me the file would be ok. Could try to take a look at things and see what i could use of it. Thanks.