Model Parameters

How can I see the parameters I’ve selected for a particular shape?

In the current version, that is not possible.

When I’ve worked on a complex project where I think I will need to re-create a 3D element, I’ve written the settings into the Component name — if it’s really tricky, I’ll make a draft forum post which I can paste screen grabs into and refer to.

I was afraid that might be the case. Consider that to be my nomination for something to be included in next version.

We have lots of people who want/need this and I guess it is just to hard to make those available to edit, but IF a screen shop could be put directly into the notes area in the design tab, that would at least make it a little more manageable.

Just a thought.

It will be in the next version, but it can’t be added now without changing the file format. We’re making some internal changes now so we can add other features before making a breaking change to the file format. (Hopefully in the next couple of months)


You guys do great work with the program for sure. I’ll wait with “worm on tongue” (ie: baited breath) for when it happens!

Thanks for what you guys do. I love the s/w and the hardware both.

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Would that change also enable the movement of modeled shapes after they’ve been committed to the design?

Yes. We already have that working now since it doesn’t require changes to the file format.

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Are you saying that capability is in the current release/beta - or you have it working in your next release? I haven’t seen it working yet…and could use that capability right away!

It’s not released yet. We’re in a half-pregnant situation where it’s working, but we learned how we want to change the architecture going forward to make it maintainable and extensible, and that’s too big a change to make at the end of V7. We might release it with a huge caveat that it’s a test feature for the time being so it’s not “done.”


I’d be in favor of the huge caveat!

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