Modifying Text in Carbide Create

This may be a very quick answer of “no” but I’m trying and failing to modify text in Carbide Create to account for using a 1/8" End mill. Basically I have corners and points in my letter of text that I want to merge with a 1/8" circle so that when a 1/8" endmill cuts out and inside path or an outside path, the two pieces should in theory mate up.

Is this possible in CC or am I going to need to export to something like Illustrator to make these changes?

Added a pic so you can see the toolpath then see where I’m trying to round with a circle or semi circle.

what you can do is

do an “offset tool” offset with an outside grow of your tool radius (so half diameter)
then use the output of that, do an inside offset of tool diameter, and then from that,
do an outide grow with radius (so half diameter)

this will “round off” both inside and outside corners


Interesting. I’ll see how that comes out. So Outside Offset 1/16, inside offset that 1/8, then finally outside offset that 1/16" for example?

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yep you end up at the original size … but the corners are rounded

note that if the geometry is tiny then this does not work well. it works best if the geometry of the design is “big enough”

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Perfect! Great tip. Thanks!


FYI this right about 2" tall IRL.

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