Motion software issue

Everything seems fine on my nomad 3 but when I attempt to probe it fails with an error on carbide motion and the software crashes. Anyone dealt with this issue before and know the solution to it? Thanks!

Can you provide more details about the error shown, as well as the exact steps needed to reproduce it? This is for probing the endmill and not BitZero correct?
A short video might also be helpful for diagnosis.

  • during the probe initiation, probing my end mill, it would move left to right then stop right in the middle as shown in the picture which resulted into the motion crash.

That’s something that’s beyond my understanding then. I’m not sure if it’s related, but our programmer uploaded a beta build of Motion that might fix this.

If this doesn’t work, I’d recommend shooting a ticket to support: Carbide Motion Beta Downloads

Hey Vmoy, thanks for your response. The carbide team responded and it turned out to be that the software itself (version 639) had a bug so they released beta build 640 for carbide motion today and eventually worked out. Thanks once again.

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