Motion User Guide?

Is there a Motion user guide? I went to the C3D manuals page and there is one for Create but I didn’t see anything for Motion. My SP5 is at my shop so I loaded Motion on this computer thinking a .hlp, .xml or .pdf would be there, but nothing, there was no manual in the install folder.

What I am looking for is a list of keyboard shortcuts. I Googled it but I didn’t see anything for the latest release. I found this in the C3D forum but it’s 6 years old. Is this the latest?

Updated version for Carbide Motion 5 and Carbide Create 6 (updated for 627)


The keyboard shortcuts haven’t changed in that time for Carbide Motion, and still apply.

I wrote up a bit about the current version at:

and will link:


There is an updated page for Carbide Create:

Thanks Will. It looks like the one you posted is the same as what I had. I guess things haven’t changed that much, at least from the keyboard shortcut’s point of view. I appreciate you taking the time to reply. Have a great weekend!