Mounting screw size - CM board

Would someone be kind enough to tell me what size the corner mounting screws of the CM control board are, please?

I’ve watched the video but the size wasn’t mentioned.

None of the provided allen keys fit, nor do any of the ones I have - and I’d rather be sure before I get the welding torch to them. Just kidding.

Thank you.

Mine is a 4mm Hex…

Having just replaced mine 30 minutes ago :slight_smile:

I saw that, but didn’t want to presume to ask you directly.

My 4mm hex doesn’t seem to fit, though :frowning: and Carbide Support have just told me I’ll need a 3/32" allen key.

Such fun!

Glad you got an answer… My Shapeoko is from 2016 and I used the original hardware, I guess there has been an update :slight_smile:

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Which size/type machine? What vintage?

Should be metric, so surprised at the mention of a 3/32nd.

September 2020 XXL.

Me too, but the 4mm doesn’t fit. Having said that, I’m now being pushed to buy something I might not need, and I do want to get this machine up and running in the next couple of days!

The precise quote is: “They use a 3/32” hex wrench. I have one now but in a pinch I used needle nose pliers the first time I needed to change out a board".

I won’t be using pliers.

OK, so it’s not 3/32" - the equivalent of 2.38mm, provided by Carbide3D as a 2.5mm hex key, and which is too big!

The 2mm is too small and spins around within the socket head…

Do you mean the screws on the corners of the board?

Those might be 3/32 — haven’t had occasion to remove one…

Just checked one of my boards — 3/32nd was loose, 2.5mm fit fine.

Yes, they’re the ones - but the 3/32" hex key provided by Carbide3D doesn’t fit.

This is tiresome.

2mm is too small, 3/32" is too big.

As noted, a 2.5mm hex key fit mine.

-I have a 2016 XXL that I replaced the controller on and the original one with the big heat sink had a few SAE/Imperial screws. It was over a year ago that I did t he replacement and I have 2 sets of Wera Allen sets so I dont remember which screws were what but some were not metric.

So your screws have to be metric or imperial because those are the only two measurement systems used on modern screws/bolts.

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The Imperial hardware on the early machines was the threaded spacers and associated bolts for the Z-axis stops.

Other than that, and the optional 1/4"-20 hardware for workholding, things are all metric insofar as my uncertain organic memory recalls.

I agree, mainly because I can’t think of any alternatives to imperial or metric! It does appear though that the Carbide3D-provided 2.5mm Allen key is, in fact 3/32" (according to my vernier calliper), but the round part on the end could be why it doesn’t fit! I’ll see if a proper 3/32" key fits when it arrives.

The corner mounts do have spacers between the casing and the board, and the board is mounted with hex screws.

I am glad the modern world has gotten simpler in that regard.
My 1974 Series 3 Land Rover is a nightmare to work on, it has UNC, UNF, BSW, BSF, metric and Withworth fasteners.

It’s like they used what was left in the parts bin when they assembled the vehicle.

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Well, this is a bit strange…

I’ve got two old, standard Allen keys, the Carbide3D-supplied Allen key and I’ve just bought a set of Chinese-made Allen bits - all of which measure 3/32" on my digital Vernier gauge.

The old ones are too big to fit in the recess, the rounded end of the C3D one makes it slip out of the recess, but the bit fits perfectly, so I was able to use that to do the job - to put it back together, at least. I had to use a T10 torx head drive to unscrew them in the first place, as the order for the bits hadn’t arrived in time!


I bought one of these sorts of kits as an insurance policy for these situations:

There are some more famous ones available from the people who take things apart professionally.

For me, the 3/32 one in this set worked just fine on those screws when I replaced my controller board, but the bits here have hollow points which seem more appropriate for shallow slottings.


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