Moving from Carbide Motion v5 to v6 on Shapeoko 3XL

Background: I have a 3XL, upgraded to HDZ and proximity homing switches. Currently running Carbide Create 756 and Carbide Motion 566.

For those who have been down this path, are there any PROS or CONS to moving from Carbide Motion v5 to v6? Looks like I’d have to do a one-time configuration.

Will I lose (or gain) any features/functionality? I’m wondering if it’s worth keeping up with the latest versions of CM, considering my machine is old, it works perfectly and, as they say, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.

Big gains, new features such as:

Changes — tool change position, and some of the new features are considered intrusive — check the version feature list on the download page.

Probably the best thing to do would be to use a second computer to try the new version out — if you like it, then you could upgrade (or switch to the new computer), if not, go back to using the original.


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