Multi-Pour Resin Inlay Cutting Board

I decided to refurbish my OG cutting board (probably 11 years old) that I had sitting around. I wanted to spice it up a bit so I’m going to try for a multi-pour resin inlay. Started by flattening the board on both sides as it had a pretty significant cup to it. Once it was flattened, I cut the first pocket and made the first pour. I did seal the edges with clear resin before pouring so we’ll see how the bleed is.

This is what I’m going for.


I am a member of PETA.

People Eating Tasty Animals


cant wait to see how it turns out

Machined the next set of pockets at lunch today. I managed to use my tool change macros in the wrong order and ended up cutting a bit too deep in a couple spots. Fortunately it just took a bit of extra resin. I have one more operation tomorrow and one more pours. There is a bit of bleeding from the first pour where it spread outside the cavity but we’ll see if I can’t clean it up.

This is my first time doing multiple pours so it’s a great learning experience.

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If I’ve cut pockets for more than one color and they aren’t connected, I’ll usually tape off all of them but the first color and leave it until it sets in a few hours, then remove the tape from the second color pocket(s) and pour the next. If the second color runs over the first and I left it alone long enough, it doesn’t matter.

In cases where two colors are against each other, you have to just fill the area, cut the smaller pocket again to remove the previous color and fill with the next one.

I’m not sure if I need to wait the full 72 hours for the resin to cure before cutting into it for the next color, but I always have.

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These pockets aren’t connected but as you can see I did have a bit of spill over. We’ll see how deep it went. I will surface off a mm or so of this.

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I ended up milling out the pockets with the spillover and re-pouring, albeit a bit more carefully. Turned out great this time. Still waiting on the resign to cure enough to make the final pass of animals and stars. Parts of the vcarve for the animals are very shallow so the final surface is going to be very thin. I’ll get an update photo this evening.

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Final pour. Pardon the explicit photo lol


Finished before final sanding.


I’d call that a success! You can only screw it up from here! (As I well know!) :smiley: +1


Here is the board sanded to 150 and oiled. I may buff the epoxy later on. Learned a lot, still have a lot to learn with multiple pours.


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