Feature Request:
Add the ability to save multiple origins (3-4 perhaps?) in a list that are either (a) manually set and/or (b) settable using the BitZero:
- These would be accessible either by view-only in a list (so that the user at least can use this in carbide create planning or so they can reset origin by typing it in manually to return there) and/or by clicking that list entry to update the current origin to it.
- The list would record the origin absolute value but would also auto-convert to a relative value relative to the currently set origin - streamlining both:
** carbide create cut planning (as I can enter the exact relative origin-2 value in relative to my origin-1) and
**physical switching of origins if necessary (as I have set the value, can select it from the list when I want to switch, and can return with the highest precision to the alternative origins in case I need to re-goover anything I’ve set to a different file not relative to current origin and/or the corner of that other origin has been cut away and I can’t set it exactly the same anymore - and won’t have the inaccuracy rejig to go back to it manually after that).
I frequently end up having 2 separate end-grain segments of wood on the shapeoko Pro XXL for doing inlays. I find myself switching origins between one and the other (mostly while testing) but this can sometimes also be because I need to re-goover the inlay due to any number of reasons. It’s very frustrating to do this and can lead to inaccuracies. Could also be useful for people who split their bed into multiple sections with fixed fences so they auto-update to that location which will be used in each case if they don’t want to layout their carbide create cut relative to origin-1.
Having access to a set of origins (that I can also custom-name) I’ve recorded relative to my furthest negative coordinates origin if negative coordinates are bad practice (origin-1 in image being an example of ‘furthest negative coordinate’ relative to all other origins as it’s bottom-left) would be a very, very helpful boost to precision and productivity.