The Lego base is very cool. I always have 3 ply and solid strand 3/4 " amber bamboo on hand , it’s running about $ 300 a sheet now. By far my favorite wood like material. I always do prototypes in MDF for new projects, till it’s dialed in.
Give in… I just got bitten myself. Will post something cool in the near future related to Shapeoko + mechanical keyboards
Great job @thianlim !
Did you ever consider visiting your local hardwood floor supplier for different types of wood? I realize that not everyone has access to such places, but just offering alternative places for hard to find wood for these types of projects. It’s all about sharing information.
One concern with flooring is that if pre-finished the pieces may have a very hard aluminum oxide layer which can wear at tooling.
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That is awesome!! I love the signature too, a nice custom touch. Mechanical keyboards FTW!
Never ceases to amaze me what you guys think up to make
Keep it up it inspires me
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