My impressions of using the Nomad 3 for the first time

My Nomad 3 came last week, and the FedEx guy nearly killed himself getting it up the stairs! (Roll, THUD, roll, THUD … LOL!) The Nomad weighs in at about 70 lbs - and it’s slightly bigger than I expected. That said, under load the machine was reasonably quiet (for what it is, a working CNC machine). I added soundproof foam pads under the four corners of the enclosure, and I am going to add Sorbothane pads on top of the foam at a later date. I had a little trouble with the interlock key and the Bitzero - basically, I kept trying to put the key on the metal button instead of beneath it, so of course it didn’t work at first. The Bitzero is a little on the light side, and it slides around a little. Tape or a weight might solve that issue.

Now that I have made the sample bamboo tray, I feel much more confident. I even edited the tray before making it. One of my main concerns was noise - not really an issue. Yes, the Nomad is loud - but not so loud that it would be an issue, even in my apartment. I have used noisier things! :slight_smile:

I feel that 80% of the machining time of the sample project was used on 20% or less of the part. When I design my own parts, I will keep this in mind.

Having a security cam near my machine allowed me to sit on one side of the room while machining on the other side. I ordered a new camera with a smaller field of view based on my experiences. Not only is a security camera a safety feature, but it sure helps when doing setup and keeping on eye on the machine as it runs. It means that I do not have to hover over the machine.

The enclosure and fan made cleanup very easy!

Overall, I am very happy right now with my purchase.


As long as you are within ear shot of your machine it is ok to monitor with a camera. What is not ok is leaving the machine unattended and monitoring from another location. CNC machines can and do start fires. Plus if you are too far away you can damage the machine if you cannot be close enough to unplug it or hit the emergency stop.

When my SO3 is running a 2 hour job I am in the shop usually cleaning or working on something else. I am within ear shot and can run over and shut things down.

Just dont leave home and monitor on an internet application because you are not within arms reach of shutting things down.