My wife wanted nightstands with no legs

Project completed not using CNC but wanted to share.


So is the nightstand basically a floating shelf. How did you attach it to the wall? I am older and do not hold onto the furniture but if I lost my balance I would like to be able to hold onto the nightstand and not have it collapse under my weight.

There is a video on YouTube that shows the holding power of sheetrock fasteners. I used the type that spring out when pushed into the wall. These are supposed to be rated for about 100 lbs. before pulling out. I have two in each shelf.
I pushed on them to test the strength and they seemed strong but I hope I never have to put them to the test.
That’s just me. My wife wanted them and she gets what she wants. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue: :crazy_face:
Oh, The best fastener is to lag screw directly into a stud. DUH!

Actually, the best fastener for that purpose is legs! :smiley:

If you ever have to look at the fastening system again, look at floating shelf systems. Some of them are very robust, as they are simply lag screws with a long “head” that then can be inserted into a hole in the shelf. Everything is hidden like your fasterners, but they would be stronger.

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