My Z and Y Azix are in reverse

Yesterday I rewired my Jtech laser board to my shapeoko the wrong way and my shapeoko when beserk for a bit till I shut it off. After fixing the cables to there correct fit and trying to home my shapeoko 3 it said my homing cycle was not enable and when I jog my z and y azix go the oposite direction I don’t know how to fix this ? Can someone help





































I’d start by resending your machines configuration through CM

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How do I do that ed?

Here’s a link on how to configure/set up your Shapeoko / Nomad.

Hope this helps.

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That really depends on what version of Carbide Motion your running. Early versions allowed you to resend your config file I believe under the Settings tab, if memory serves correctly. Newer versions of CM with the setup wizard, you’ll have to setup as a new machine. With your machine power off but USB connected just launch CM and follow the on screen instructions.

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All I had to do was uninstall carbide motion and install again thanks everyone