So, I’ve assembled my machine and have been using it for some time now, but I still have yet to put a name on it. I was going to use my own name on the machine but felt it should have its own unique one, and I was wondering if others out there had done something similar (like naming your vehicle)
If this is you, please post the cool name you’ve given your machine.
I’ve decided to call mine Woodchuck. I might even zip tie a stuffed Woodchuck to it
Please don’t zip tie a toy to it — goes against safety considerations.
I called by Shapeoko 1 “Watchmaker” out of fondness for a classic series by Niven & Pournelle and because of grandiose ideas about what I’d make w/ it.
Now that I work for the company and there are so many, not really workable to name them.
lol… ha haaaaa
Man that is so funny… You are so right…
I know that I said that, but when I said it, I was thinking of zipping it to the table or something.
For now, since you brought it up and I feel compelled to put a name on it.
I think I’ll call mine “SPLINTER”. Was thinking Chippy but I like Splinter better. (For now?)
You may want to do some reinforcement on your table, so it doesn’t fall down on you. (Not knowing how shaky it is. Mine moves some and I am going to add some reinforcement to the legs, when I get around to it. Wait… I make those, “Round Tuits”.