Need help CNCjs &pi3 install

Hey all,

I have CNCjs installed on pi3 but when I try to access it in the browser, the pi blocks the connection.

can anyone help?

Thank you!

Not a clue. But I’ll bet @neilferreri will jump all over this!

I cut wood and aluminum, he massages code AND cuts wood and aluminum.


can you elaborate on blocks the connection?

screengrabs are helpful

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As @PaulAlfaro metioned, a little more info will help.
Also, it may be a version or two behind, but it doesn’t get much easier than this:

Thank you so much, A few questions. How do i update cncjs with this distribution? What is the purpose of having octoprint installed?

octoprint is for 3d printers. CNCjs is also included.

Here are the short instructions:

  • Flash the SD with the image
  • Edit the v1pi-wpa-supplicant.txt (not with notepad.exe)
  • Put it in a pi, and go to http://v1pi.local

Sorry, just saw this.

Can’t test right now, but try:
sudo npm install -g cncjs

To give users the option in what machine they are controlling. The image was originally created for use with MPCNCs which can have a variety of controllers and act as different types of CNC machines.

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