Need some help understanding STL Importing

I am having some issues importing STL files. I’d appreciate any help that you folks can provide!

I’m importing this file:
1.A.stl (131.3 KB)

When I view the file in Print 3D, I see this image:

It’s a flat-bottomed, flat topped object with a couple of holes in the top.

When I import it into CC Pro, I use these settings:

Viewing 3D, I see:

Which looks more like a flat board, than curved bottom “bowl-like” structure.

It’s supposed to look like it does in Print 3D. What am I doing wrong in CC?

Thanks in advance.

  • Gary
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The STL has a given size:

and needs to be imported at that size to have that appearance:

Note that the top of the model is flat:

so that is what is imported.

If you want the round feature, it will need to be rotated so as to be on top:

If you want objects in the full round and to do two-sided machining I would recommend a tool with support for that such as MeshCAM.

Will - I put in the exact same parameters as your image above…I don’t get what you get. I can’t figure out why.

When you say “Imported at a particular size”, are you referring to the height and XY Scale parms? Yours are set to 10 and 1, respectively…

With that setting, I get:

The object is supposed to have flat top and bottom, so no worries about rounds. I’m just trying to get what you got with

NOTE: I see the mm vs. in difference and changed that …it doesn’t make a difference

I got the different size after rotating and re-saving using Microsoft’s 3D Builder:

1.A (1)_Rotated.stl (131.3 KB)

OK…so that file worked for me.

I’m afraid I’m going to ask for a step-by-step of how you did that in MS 3D Builder. I have 82 of these to do.

An imported faceted body (STL) will assume the XY size of the workpiece, or selected objects. You set the thickness to scale the entire body to that height. You should not need to mess with Scale, unless the STL was designed to be used that way, like a texture pattern.

Since the faceted body is a 3D object, you can import it with respect to any of the 6 standard orthogonal views (top, bottom, front, back, right, left). No need to edit in another software, unless you need a non-orthogonal view, or need to rotate the part.

The 82 diagrams represent 3/4" horizontal slices of a larger “Stacked” object. My objective is to cut the 82 objects and then stack them into the appropriate shape. I have the 82 STL files…each sized appropriately so that the sloped edges line up with the segment above it…so I’d like to cut the slopes (model) as accurately as possible.

I opened it in Microsoft’s 3D Builder, then rotated, then re-saved.

Ah, I missed the “82 parts” thing. That sounds like one of those situations where you will need to mess with the Scale option. i.e. determine the correct scale for one object, then use the same scale for every import.

Can you share the slice that goes above (adjacent to the larger oval side) of this one?

Nevermind. I created a 2x2x2 pyramid, split it into 2 1" thick sections, saved each section as a separate STL, and then imported it into CC.
The Scale was 25.4, since I exported it in inches & CC imports in mm.


If your STL is in the correct size, in mm, then your scale will just be 1.0 for everything.

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Right…but the problem is, when I open those STL files in CC, I don’t see the angles. Only after @WillAdams did his open rotate save, do I see the correct 3D forms.

Change the view to “Bottom” when you import :wink:


WOOOT!!! You sir, are a steely-eyed missle-man.
That did the trick without having to bring it into another program.

Thank you!


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