Very cool Jim! I built my first 3D printer from a kit (Rostock Max V2), then later picked up a ready made printer from Microcenter and kinda always wished I’d gone the other way. There was just that much more learning curve, not knowing if the print settings were wrong or if I built the machine wrong. It worked out in the end, but it was a bit of a headache.
So I was working on the model and when I added the enclosure, I didn’t like the way the bench looked. The legs looks too scrawny - so I widened the base a little, which also gave room for the dust collection system. I did run a couple modal analysis simulations with the concrete with favorable results, if anyone is interested, I can post the results.
So I finally got the time and spent the last couple afternoons putting the bench together. I think it turned out really well - still needs a final sanding and stain/poly + enclosure, but it’s getting there - maybe another weekend of work on it. The torsion top turned out really flat and sturdy enough that I didn’t end up filling with concrete. Plus the build cost $100 in lumber - not bad!
For dust collection, I plan on a 3-stage system - a Thien-inspired separator + cyclonic separator + HEPA. Ebay is great, got a Bissel cyclone top (which is pretty much a Thein already), a Dyson DC47 cyclone unit, and a few fittings for less than $50. Basically plan to mount/hack the Bissel to a bucket to catch, say 95% of dust, then the outlet from that will feed the inlet to the Dyson (read: 32 parallel cyclones) to catch say 4.5% of the dust, then the HEPA to get the remaining 0.5% or so.
I have to work offshore for the next month, so unfortunately this is my stopping point for now, but I’ll have plenty of time to finish the model and work out the plumbing details on the dust collection.
This is awesome. @WillAdams posted this on my current thread ( Filler inside Shapeoko frame ); love the design. Its been over a year…results and thoughts?
Go to the WoodSmith web site, check for free plans, then look for the Knock-Down Workbench. No wheels on it, however it is truly portable with parts and pieces forming something like a large suitcase. It looked very rugged and stable when I was watching this being assembled on a woodworking TV show recently.