New owner error messages

Thanks Jon - looking forward to some assistance.


In Carbide Motion have you been able to check whether the X, Y and Z switches actually work on the machine?

The errors occurred on initialization, so I haven’t been able to verify.

There are little LEDs in the newer boards that indicate a switch is pressed. I’m guessing yours are lit up?


Are you able to get to the Settings page to see this?

If so you can see under “GRBL Active Input Pins” which home switches the controller thinks are “pressed”, although you probably have the proximity switches on your machine. If you can get here then you should be able to see if the home switches are acting properly or not, you can trigger them and see them appear here.


@jpn Your connectors are wired incorrectly. If you have a small screwdriver, you can fix the order of the headers in the housing.

Not 100% sure on the order as I have an older board with mechanical switches, but I think those should go black, red, blue (left to right)


They do appear to be inverted compared to the pics in this thread;

I also have old mechanical switches and can’t say for sure.

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Well that says that all three limit switches are “active” and therefore your machine should be in the top right back corner.

Check out Neil Ferreri’s post about the connectors, looks like it might be a wiring issue.


From left to right, both X- and Y- are blue, brown, black and Z- is green, red, black as you said.

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But in those pics from the other thread they appear to be black, brown, blue L->R so one of the two machines pictured is possibly wrong.

It might be worth calling support at this point and just asking them to look at a current spec machine and tell you which way round those wires are meant to be.


The connectors only go one way… and they’re installed that way. Does that mean they came backward?

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That, I think, is Neil’s suspicion and I think he (as usual) is probably right, yes.


The picture in the directions shows them the other way too… Grrr… It looks like the connectors may be wired backwards



As Neil suggested, it’s pretty easy to pop the pins out of those connectors with a small screwdriver to release the locking latch on each pin, you need something to hold the connector whilst you do it (or someone).

I’d call support and check that those are the wrong way round and they’re OK with you swapping the wiring around first.

(well actually, I’d test the pins on the board with a multimeter to find out which one is gnd, which one is +5V and which is the signal but I’m not going to tell you to do that and void your warranty :wink: )


Thank you Neil!



Thank you Liam - you guys are awesome. I will call them tomorrow and see what they will allow me to do to (hopefully) get to cuttin’!


No problem at all, we’re happy to help.

Please do post the answer from support if those wires are backwards so that if anyone else comes searching the forum for the same problem they can see the solution too.


Will do. I’m a firm believer in the philosophy “cooperate and graduate”! :grin:


welcome to Shapeoko.