I just completed the build of my new Pro XXL and must say I’m impressed with the quality of the materials. I did have an issue with a couple of gantry extensions being wired in reverse, so I don’t plan on cutting anything until that issue is resolved (support is already aware).
While I’m waiting, I’ve been drawing the Carbide hello world and other .svg files just to test and get a feel for the machine. I’ve printed some small pics and some larger prints. I even printed one and then printed it again with the same home to see if there were overlapping lines…
What other tests have folks done with their new machines before letting the chips fly?
I have not gone down the path of measuring movement accuracy, tramming, etc. yet. I want to get the new wiring first.
Just wanted to say welcome to the community!
There is no other test really, once you understand the workflow. Maybe spend some time learning the CAD side of things (Carbide Create)
In case this is your first CNC, you may be interested in giving the ebook a read, if you don’t want to start cutting just now.
It’s somewhat obsolete now since it’s based on the Shapeoko3, but most of the content still applies.
I made my first as an MPCNC (Mostly printed CNC). It worked great, but this machine is a beast. I can’t believe the step I just took from my 24x24" to the XXL. With that said, I understand the workflow pretty well, although we can all learn something, so I’ll have a look. I’ve been going through the C3D videos and have watch many Spapeoko tutorials on YouTube.
Thanks again for the welcome. I’m happy to be here.