New S3 Build Won't Initialize Correctly

I operate both a XL and XXL so I’m familiar with the initialization sequence.

In the latest assembly of an S3 it doesn’t behave as I expect.
Rather than starting with raising Z toward the micro switch
it goes down … though manually tripping Z limit stops it.

Furthermore, there’s no actual movement in either the X or Y directions.
Tripping those limit switches has no effect on the initialization sequence.
Motion connects to the controller and Shapeoko 3 is selected in Settings.

All harnesses and connectors appear to be consistent with the wiring diagrams.

I have to assume that the remedy to this is pretty obvious to someone.

Any suggestions on what our problem might be?

A Few Config Facts

Running Windows 10 with Carbide Motion 4.0.414.
The S3 is fresh out of the box running firmware 1.1f.

Out on a limb here, you don’t by any chance have the z carriage installed upside down? Since you have two other machines it should be obvious, but if the fixed pulley is on the wrong side it’ll behave in reverse. Just a thought, please disregard if I’m completely off.


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I haven’t assembled a Shapeoko personally in a couple of years but I’ll check the new assembly in the morning. If it’s that obvious to you then maybe that’s it. Anything similarly obvious about X and Y not moving that I can check too?

Thanks, Travis

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If it’s not the Z-axis plate installed upside down, and it’s not a misconfiguration in Grbl ( Carbide Firmware Updater ) then the problem is a miswired wiring extension or motor.


…all wiring extensions should be straight through, and all wiring connectors should be consistent, stepper motors may be reversed in several ways:

  • swap the left and right pair of wires
  • reverse the ordering of the wires in the left or the right pair
  • reverse all four wires

Do whichever is appropriate to match the other wiring connectors — use a small tool to pop out the wiring lead pins and when reinserting them, make certain that they click into place. See: Reuse and-or extend the Molex connectors

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Thanks, we’ll give these a look today.

This is our second Shapeoko at the Shop. Sunday we start another CNC series and it would be very nice to have both CNC available. Four students cutting projects two-at-a-time will half the time of cutting one-at-a-time.

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Dan and Will,

You two were spot-on with your first guess.
When I built my first XL I remember this being an issue.
The assembler of our S3 has since flipped the Z-access plate and all is well.

Thanks for your input. Case closed!

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Kabamm!! Love it when a plan comes together!!


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