Hello guys I’m Cynbad (Bingogotum) Chasten. I have been working with wood and epoxy for about a year now. Recently I bough a CNC 3018 pro cause I wanted up my knowledge and skill. I haven’t yet made any thing yet cause I’m also new at computer programming and and what not. But thanks to carbide creation I have been able to study and understand how the computer and machine works together. Yes im a dinosaur I do things the old fashioned way using a router and Dremel router machine. To create jewelry boxes and custom game pieces. Now that I have my machine im so excited about doing a project. Im just stuck at 0.0012 x,y,z but im not gonna give up so wish me luck guys I’m diving in🤞🏾
Congratulations on the new machine!
Please note that this forum is specific to machines sold by Carbide 3D and our software.
You would need to use Carbide Create, either the free (but unsupported) v6:
or a Pro license:
for more details.
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