The problem is things come in very small from Affinity Designer — select everything and scale it to 24.095 to fix that.
I don’t see a size option in carbide create sure I a just missing something.
Found sizing but I lost my text and a solid line.
Text won’t import, convert to paths.
Paths which aren’t closed don’t import well — expand strokes so as to make a closed path.
Thanks that worked except a couple of my letters became circles. I am wondering if that happened because I am using a trial version of the software.
Most likely the letter malformation is caused by the extremely small size of scaling at import — try scaling things up before exporting from Affinity Designer.
I have tried numerous times with no Chang in export size. The origional file is 504 by 504 pixels. Changed the page to 50,000 x50,000. Still exports a very small icon that can be scaled up by 21 to fit in a 7 inch square.
Lots of people make this work without issue, something must be set up wrong.
I believe the problem is Affinity Designer setting the size to 100% and using a transformation matrix to get things to the proper size.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
<g transform="matrix(1.80963,0,0,1.8634,-12561.5,-29813.4)">
<rect x="6941.46" y="15999.5" width="45678.7" height="34278.7" style="fill:rgb(231,232,233);"/>
Opening the file in Inkscape, selecting everything, pasting it into a new document, scaling up to size (put a rectangle of known size around it in AD), then saving as a new document works.
Exporting as a PDF instead, opening that in Inkscape, then saving as an SVG may be more expedient and should work as well.
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