Newbie. Using an HDM and Alibre. Question about intermediary software

Brand new. Have had HDM since it first came out and have never had time to use it. Finally do.

I have a Windows PC for Alibre. I want to have a laptop at the HDM location. Question is can it be a MAC to run the HDM or do I need another Windows PC to run the HDM?

Carbide Motion is used to control & run toolpath programs on the machine. Carbide Motion has a Mac version, so you can defintiely use a Mac to run your HDM.
Carbide Motion Downloads

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Yes, it will be fine to use a Windows computer to run Alibre and generate G-code, then use a Mac running Carbide Motion to control the machine and send the G-code to the machine from a local drive on the Mac.

Thank you for your help. WIll begin there and see where I end up.

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