No cutting with V Carve

Making coasters on 4XL -
All went well until the Advanced V Carve step when no material was removed. Cutting a groove and cutout worked perfectly. I checked the zeros and the material thickness and a redo had the same result.

Camera coaster.c2d (88 KB)

I also tried changing to V Carve with no cut there either

Scratching my head on this
Thanks in advance

You’re trying to V carve lines which are just:

0.012" — ~1/80th of an inch wide, and using a 90 degree V endmill, so cutting roughly half that depth.

You have to have a perfectly flat surface, and you have to have your Z-axis zero set perfectly relative to it.

This will be easier if you use a more acute V endmill.

I got 0.024, so a depth of 0.012

Regardless, it’s a very shallow cut. (The thickness of 3 pieces of standard paper)

Move your tool right next to the lines you are trying to cut & touch off the tool to the surface.
What does the Z register read on CM? Try setting your Z zero at this location.

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Thanks Will!
I thought it would cut to the depth I set, but now realize that is the MAX depth.
I think I will try and do a contour cut with a 1/16" mill since I don’t know how to widen the lines.

I have a couple other graphics with fine lines that suffered too. I’ll try a 60 deg V on them.

Another question - If I run a test job then switch to a different thickness material for the final cut, do I need to reset the machine or just change thickness setting in CC and reload the file?

Thanks again!

Thanks Tod!

See my reply to Will


Changing the thickness setting in Carbide Create would only work if the origin remained unchanged — if it was set to the bottom of the stock.

If you have it set to the top of the stock you will need to both update Carbide Create (assuming stock thickness matters) and re-set zero relative to the surface of the stock.

Got it!
Also if I run a job then decide to cut deeper, can I change in CC, save and reload into CM then run?

You are great Will!

Yes, if you have a job setup in Carbide Create, run it in Carbide Motion, and then want a section cut deeper you can disable all but the toolpath(s) you want cut deeper, set them to start at their bottom and cut the additional depth(s) desired, and then re-send them.

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