Noise created at end when I Initialize Machine (XL)

I ran the Shapeoko first project and had no problems. However when I when I initialize the machine i get a growling noise for about 2 to 3 seconds. The X-Axis rail returns to the back against the endplate. The X/Z+ moves to the right, comes to the end and stops. This is when I hear the growling noise. When the growling stops the X-axis moves forward away from the end plate about a 1/4". When I run the rapid movement to the back right this does not happen. I have readjusted all of my belts and have reset all of the stops. I have also checked to see if I had any wires in the way and did not find any. Program worked fine when I ran it, the the noise bothers me. It this normal. I want to resolve before I install my Bitsetter and the Bitzero.
Thanks in advance for any clues to what is causing this noise

Chances are, your Y limit switch is not triggering before there is a mechanical contact, so the machine keeps “pushing” towards the back, hence the grinding noise, (and maybe after a while it succeeds, because it was almost there)

I would first:

  • check that all three switches work properly, by going to the Settings menu in Carbide Motion, and check that when you bring a metal object near each limit switch, they show up as triggered in that page.
  • if they do work, observe the Y limit switch during homing: do the LED lights up during/after that grinding noise ? Same for the X switch.

Sometimes it’s just that the switch is positioned slightly too far back, and it should be brought forward a bit, such as to trigger a bit earlier

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and Adjusting:

The steppers moving slowly do make a lower pitch grumbling noise, and the final movement of the homing sequence is slow for precision. That is normal and present on my machines.


Ha, @SLCJedi is probably on the money, I keep forgetting that the homing noises can sound strange at first when one does not know what to expect.

If you want to be sure, share a video of homing your machine, and we’ll confirm.

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See the following video of the machine when I Initialize it. My phone saves the video as a .mov file which I cannot upload. I zipped it. Please let me know if I should send some other way.
Thanks (2.3 MB)

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Thanks @RJH , I can confirm this is the normal sound a Shapeoko makes while homing.
(Good call @SLCJedi !)


Thank you very much.

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Is there not a video in the Carbide3D setting up guide or linked from the eBook which covers the basic “your machine will make these movements and these noises on a normal startup” ?

I don’t think there is…but I may be wrong.
It would indeed be quite useful to record a successful homing on video, and a couple of intentionnaly failed ones where the axes are grinding due to sensor issues for example.


I’ll try to grab some video whilst my machine is still enough Shapeoko to be useful :wink:


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