Nomad 3 Crashing Into -X on Initialization


Nomad and CNC amateur here. I’m having strange issues initializing, with the machine crashing into the end of the X-rail. Not 100% sure what may/may not be relevant, so describing order of events:

I’m trying to cut some simple counter-bore holes in an aluminum piece.
I ran a simple test cut on a printed plastic part of the same size to make sure the toolpaths and zero made sense, and that I was setting the zero with the BitZero correctly. This went fine as far as I can tell (clean cuts at the correct locations, no crashes), though I stopped it early once it was clear that it was all working as expected.

Then I replaced the cutter with the probe, and loaded the aluminum Gcode (same paths, different speeds and feeds). Went to initialize the machine so it would measure the probe and I could set the zero again. The machine immediately smashed itself straight down into the bed and into the -X stop, bending the pin before I could hit the stop.

Now it seems unable to initialize. It runs until it hits the end of the -X rail, grinds at it for a second, then returns to ~center and tries to crash into the bed, as if it thinks that it’s over the tool probe.

It seems to either think that the X axis is backwards (and can’t find the sensor), or that the ‘center’ of the rail is at the -X end of the rail.

Not sure what I’m supposed to do here. I can’t even jog it into a clear space as I can’t jog it in carbide motion without initializing it.

Thanks for any help.

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