Nomad 3 videos on machining/engraving metal

Hi All,

I just ordered a Nomad 3 so super excited to get cracking with it.

Gearing up for delivery, I’m looking through several excellent videos (mostly by Winston Moy but others too) and realise that much of the feeds/speeds advice is based on the 10k spindle speed of the previous iteration of the Nomad.

The spindle on the Nomad 3 is meant to go up to 24k rpm, which I believe, is better for fine engraving work, which is exactly what I’m interested in.

Could someone shed some light on how to tweak feeds and speeds for the new, more powerful spindle.

A video tutorial would be great too :wink:

Many thanks,

We have feeds and speeds for the Nomad 3 in Carbide Create:

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The recommended f and s are a starting point. You can increase or decrease ad you experiment. The recommended f and s are conservative.

You can increase speed in increments of 10 percent as well as decrease. When selecting tool you can also change speeds as well. Wounce you get a favorite you save it as a custom tool.


Thank you both for your input. Since the vast majority of instructional videos for the Nomad are about previous iterations, I was hoping that, with the upgraded spindle, linear rails, anti-backlash nuts etc. there would be some new fun ‘making’ videos sharing tips & tricks for the new N3. Since Winston Moy talks about it’s accuracy and fine detail, I’m particularly interested. I’m a jeweller and am exploring possibilities with my just-ordered Nomad 3.

I own a Shapeoko 3 too, but in my new set up, it’s just too big and I haven’t been able to use it in a long while.

As jewellers, we need a small work area, but fine detail is paramount.

What kind of jewellery are you planning to make with it?
I have a Nomad 3, and have done quite fine detail. But MRR have not been the objective with the fine detail.
What materials?
Some say you can double Feed when doubling RPM. But this comes down to trial and error I think.
Test in steel

detail test in alu

engraved keyring in alu

more alu tests


Nikolai - that’s some lovely work you have there, thanks for sharing! I’m looking to engrave fine details much like your second picture. Text and V-engraved artwork within a 12mm disc of sterling silver and gold is my current focus, along with cutting sheets of both metals in 0.5 - 2mm. 3D work much later, once I get the hang of things.

I’ve been using a small Chinese desktop cnc for while now (that fits into my small work space) and with vastly conservative feeds and speeds and lubricant, I have some reasonably good engravings… but not to the quality I’m after. Also, I’d like my cnc to have the rigidity needed for diamond drag engraving. Mine just doesn’t cut it.


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