I’m selling a Nomad 883 Pro. Barely used for 5-7 hours.
Great accuracy but I don’t have a use for it at the end. The project was switched to 3D printing with some modifications.
There are TONS of accessories that comes with it.
However some accessories are specific so I understand if you don’t want them and I’ll adjust the price.
I can sell accessories individually if requested.
4x DLC coated endmills cost 50€ a piece (awesome for aluminum)
5+ generic Chinese endmill for wood and aluminum
2 collets for 6mm and 4mm with 5 microns accuracy (retail is 40€ for both)
2 SEALED collets for 6mm and 4mm with 5 microns accuracy (retail is 120€ for both) (more accurate and last much longer since if you use an oil lubrication system the oil won’t go in and dust neither)
2 collets for 1/4" and 1/8" those one are from Carbide 3D
Special Harvey tool endmill (Single tooth threadmill, round corner endmill…) (retail is about 200€ as I remind)
Flip Jig
Clamp Vise
Threaded Table
Stock wasteboard (used a bit but you can surface it)
Nomad stock tools
Stock replacement aluminum plate
Aquarium Pump (Retail is 100€)
There are a hole of 13cm diameter on the left side of the enclosure as I was planning to add it an HEPA filter with a fan, but I didn’t do it, so there’s just a hole, I think a duct would be better to extract the air outside. Otherwise just cover the hole with paper if you don’t plan to use it.
I added a MQL system for throwing small amounts of lubrication for milling aluminum. The small brown thing you see is a regulator used for regulating flowrate of perfusion.
The pump that comes with it is strong enough to push swarfs around without making a storm (that would cause the swarfs to go into the rods and electronics)
I might have forgotten to mention some stuffs.
Importing the machine ALONE with no accessories into the EU was around 3000€.
Accessories cost 1000+€ not to mention the custom cost.
I’m asking for 2400€ for it all or a bit less depending on which accessories you don’t want.
I can ship it inside his original box
Any questions? Send me a PM.