Nomad now for sale from Micro-Mark

A very cool company, w/ a nifty catalog (guess I’m dating myself).

which does raise an interesting product again — for folks not inclined to make their own workholding gear, this set seems interesting:

I’m pretty sure it’s also sold by Harbor Freight and a couple of other places, and is M6, so would work w/ the Nomad (or Shapeoko) threaded table. Will have to keep it in mind for the next time I come up short on workholding options.


Are you sure this clamp set is sized for M6 holes? The ad says the set of 12 studs are 10mm. Am I missing something? If so, cool find. I might just pick these up since I recently purchased the threaded table for my new Nomad.

Not sure. Good point about the measurement. At one point in time we’d found a set of this stuff ID’d as M6…



Looks familiar from a year or so ago. I think they were out of stock for a long time though so I finally stopped checking and got a smaller set from Down Under IIRC.

Thanks for posting that link, William. Down near the bottom of that post, a fellow by the name of Clifford Land posted 2 links for sets supporting M6 screws/nuts. I think I’ll research those a bit further.

For those who are curious: