There are two Vectric post processors for the Nomad 883 and Nomad 883 Pro.
They should be treated with some suspicion until we get additional feedback that others are satisfied with them. Be sure to run air passes and keep your hand near the E-Stop the first few times a job is run.
Carbide3D-Nomad-Inch.pp - For VCarvePro and Cut2D
Carbide3D-Nomad-PhotoVCarve-Inch.pp - For PhotoVCarve only
Millimeter versions can be created by editing the files, changing the G20 to a G21 and saving the file under a new name.
Don’t buy or use Cut3D - use MeshCAM!
I can’t seem to attach them to this message and I don’t have any WEB accessible storage so I have to figure out how to make them universally accessible. Until then, message me with your private email and I can send them to you.