Oki doki, I’ve emailed the video and the photo of the boards, I will try this board swap this week. Its labelled so hopefully will go smoothly. X axis is the waste board right?
I’ve put the spare board in and now I’m getting limit switch hit error. I’ve manually moved the spindle away from all the limit switches but I’m still getting the same error.
Is that a faulty limit switch?
I can see the location of the y one but where are the others?
My understanding is that is the factory grease but maintenance should be done with SuperLube oil, not grease. The oil is also stupidly expensive to ship to the UK.
It is possible that the switch is always on. You should be able to check the current status of the switches by connecting to the machine with Carbide Motion and then looking at the settings page. Then you can push all the switches (even the tool length probe/ nomad-bitsetter) and see a small bit of text like “probe” or “X” etc.
If you’ve got “X” there and the spindle is in the centre of the metal rods, you might have a bad switch. Or you’ve not connected it properly to the board. Or the wires are shorted… you get the idea
Sorry for the poor quality photos was taken on my phone to be quick. Still tracking right but then not left to home. Pushed in x and z limit switches they have easy of movement. Should I get a more up to date version of carbide motion?.
Upgrading Carbide Motion might be an option. Your UI looks quite different to the current versions!
Remember also that if you’ve swapped the board, you might need to send the Nomad configuration to it using Carbide Motion. I’m not 100% sure about that though.