Notes that display in CM

I would like a way to add notes to my Carbide Create file that is attached to the gcode on export. Then, when I open the file in Carbide Motion, the notes popup on screen. There has been so many times I forget simple things like tiling measurements when coming back to a project.


The only notes are in Carbide Create.

I dont think in CM there is any display of notes when loading gcode. Sounds like a good idea but I think you would have to print the notes and have them available when you are executing the gcode. I use windows snipping tool to capture screen images like the one above of the notes menu. If you are an Apple I am sure there is an equilivient application. After capturing the image you could print it.


Even if there was a way to add notes directly to the gcode before export, that would suffice.

Does this help any?