So today I used the probe to set my zero using a 1/8in 102 endmill using CM 428. After probing, I wanted to offset my zero 1mm on the X axis because my stock was just shy of the measurements and I did not want to change the project file.
I used the rapid position to go to X &Y Zero. After it went to zero, I went to the Set zero screen and saw that there was already a -0.0125 offset on both X and Y. It appears to be at the center of the bit but I don’t understand why there is an offset. Is this normal? Shouldn’t this be set at X0,Y0? Maybe I’m missing something. Trying to change that offset now becomes very complicated.
OK, I think I may have figured it out, the offset difference is due to the use of the BitSetter. I had set my initial zero using a 201 bit and did not re-home the machine. For the second job, I set zero with the 102 however, the difference between the two diameter is .125 and half that would be 0.0625. When I returned to the 201 and re-set zero for another job, the offset was 0.
Has anyone else with a BitSetter experienced the same thing?